Sunday, July 7, 2013

Showers: Not just for dads! Sometimes.

Last week, we had our water heater replaced. It's been working-ish for upwards of a year, sputtering out lukewarm water in the shower upstairs only if someone had already had a shower, and then for about 5 minutes before lukewarm became cold.

Hubs didn't believe me for a while when I said it was the water heater, then we didn't quite get around to it for a while since it wasn't actually, completely broken.

I also started my Crossfit Foundations/on-ramp program last week and was, as a result, very sweaty. And very, very sore. I dropped off some onesies to my friend for her daughter and through the window, the wee ones caught a glimpse of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on their TV. H asked to watch MMC when we got home, and I decided that was a SWEET idea since I was smelly and wanted to test out the shiny new water heater.

H can work the TV and Roku, and I told him to pick whatever MMC he wanted. I raced to the shower with the glee of a tiny person on Christmas morning and jumped in.

As I was making vaguely obscene noises during my first truly HOT shower in way too long, I hear H yelling. Not very loud yelling. Just quiet yelling. Probably-nothing-broken-yelling. I decide it's probably fine.

I hear more yelling. La la la, soaping my hair and letting hot water pour on my Crossfit-sore muscles.

Louder yelling.

Me, sticking my head out of the shower curtain: What's up, buddy?
H: (unintelligible yelling)
Me: I can't hear you, can you come up here and tell me?
H: (more unintelligible yelling)


I end my HOT shower and go downstairs.

Me: What's up?
H: This is the Goofy Babysitter one!
Me: ...
H: (expectant smile, since this is the coolest information on the planet)
Me: Oh! Cool! Is that what you were telling me when I was in the shower?
H: Yup!

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